Vision Boards
Vision boards are a fantastic way of putting your thoughts together and aligning your life towards. John Assaraf has talked about how his visionboards have helped him to get the house he wanted. Since then many people have been trying to manifest their ambitions with the teachings of the Secret and the use of vision boards.

Drag and drop

You can drag and drop images and files straight from your desktop onto your vision board. You can also drag and drop websites, or images from Google Image search


Share your dreams with your life coach or dear friends. By discussiong them you can fine tune your dreams and reduce potential conflicts. Check for alignments and where you may need more clarity. We have found that this is essential for keeping with the spirit of aligning your interests with the universe


Our online vision boards support embedding videos. You can drag and drop them from your desktop or from youtube directly. Add your favourite music video for added inspiration

Slide show

Deliver the images and messages to your desktop in a handy little resizeable window straight from your vision boards.